Florio Folini | What we do for you

Florio Folini has a history in jewelry and watchmaking spanning more than 70 years. It's a journey, both personal and professional, that has traversed various eras in terms of market trends and working methods, as well as customer needs.

What hasn’t changed over these 70 years, however, is our philosophy based on values that have remained constant over time: integrity, fairness, expertise, and creativity.

This is why we have always welcomed our clients with the desire to offer the best advice, drawing on our experience to recommend the right purchase while considering their needs and desires.

Artisanal Spirit and Professional Consultation

We have always carefully selected gemstones, artisans, and high-end jewelry brands with the same attention we would use when purchasing a work of art. For each customer, we can recommend the best purchase based on quality, taste, and sensitivity, all at a consistent price.

But Florio Folini's care and customer service don’t stop at the moment of purchase. Our stores offer services to meet various needs:

We handle resizing of rings and repairs of jewelry and gold items such as bracelets, chains, and necklaces.
We design custom jewelry, either based on our own designs or on the client's ideas, overseeing all construction aspects.
We offer the purchase of investment stones and precious gems, thanks to specific professional expertise.
We conduct appraisals for individuals and inheritance matters.

Watches, a Passion to Preserve

Of course, Florio Folini's passion is not limited to jewelry but also extends to the world of watchmaking.

Every mechanical watch is a work of high engineering in miniature. It’s a small mechanism that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, enduring shocks and temperature changes, yet can last practically forever with proper care.

That’s why we stand by our clients after they purchase a watch, offering certified workshop services. We repair and restore watches from the highest-end brands to bring your memories back to life and to ensure they can be passed down from generation to generation.

Furthermore, since the oils used to lubricate the mechanical parts of a watch tend to dry out over time, we also offer a full revision service. This involves handing the watch to a specialized technician who disassembles every single part of the gears to inspect, clean, and re-lubricate it before reassembling the entire mechanism with new gaskets. To finish, we also conduct a waterproof test, all done in dedicated rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

Jewelry and watches are our passion; if they are yours too, come visit us in Sondrio and Livigno.

Florio Folini Srl
Galleria Venticinque Aprile 1

23100 Sondrio - ITALY 

VAT n. 04304430962

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